International Journal of Social Work Education - deadline for abstracts: 1 August 2017
Thematic issue of The International Journal of Social Work Education : “A sustainable future for social work education in Europe” – Deadline for abstracts: 1 August 2017
The Guest Editors invite contributions to a special issue of Social Work Education: The International Journal (SWE) on the topic of “A sustainable future of social work education in Europe”, related to the Eassw‐Unaforis Conference.
The conference, jointly organized in June 2017 by EASSW with its French partner Unaforis, sought to address the challenges faced by social work and social work educators in Europe in the coming decades of the 21st century. Its title ‐ “Challenging boundaries and promoting a sustainable future” – recalls the need to overcome social divisions produced by the heedless and unjust management of the global crisis with its consequences of unequal development, poverty, migration and wars. It considers joint action, sharing knowledge and building
communities as the most effective way to foster a promising and sustainable future for all.
This changing context of practice places demands upon social work and requires that it constantly reflect upon and develops an alternative vision of human beings, society and welfare, within the limits of the international definition of social work. Social work must create effective forms and methods of intervention to enhance the well‐being of individuals, communities and societies.
Educators must prepare future social workers to address the current and future social, political, economic and ecological challenges.
The EASSW‐UNAFORIS conference articulates this call for abstracts around four main themes;
I. Effective and innovatory pedagogy and methods of social work education (including those involving users, calling upon NTIC and bringing together practice, research and teaching)
II. Curriculum development and course content (taking into account the guidance given by the Melbourne definition and national and European issues about core competencies)
III. Ethical issues, including being ethical teachers and teaching on how to deal with ethical dilemmas produced within the context of social transformation in Europe
IV. Structural and organizational issues that influence the status of social work education, in relation to market forces and to national, European and international policy
If you presented at the Unaforis – Eassw conference and wish to publish an academic paper on the topic of your presentation, we invite you to submit an abstract for consideration by the guest editors. The guest editors welcome proposals for academic papers that advance understanding from a research‐based perspective, develop a theoretical framework or offer reasoned proposals or models based on experience.
The abstract should not exceed 500 words and should give an accurate overview of the
content, argument and structure of the proposed paper.
Abstract for consideration should be sent to EASSW Secretary Fabienne Trentin‐Campbell at eassw2@gmail.com or membership@eassw.org .
The deadline for submission of abstracts is August 1, 2017.
The guest editors will make decisions on the commissioning of full papers by 15th of September, 2017.
Invited authors must submit full paper by 1st February 2018.
All manuscript preparations are to adhere to International Journal of Social Work Education’s policies as outlined on the Journal Website http://www.tandfonline.com/action/showAxaArticles?journalCode=cswe20 and will be submitted through ScholarOne Manuscripts. These will be subject to full peer review prior to
the decision on publication and all the papers finally accepted will be published either in the thematic issue or in a regular issue of the journal.
Guest editors:
– Prof. Nino Zganec ‐ University of Zagreb – Croatia ‐ President of the European Association of Schools of Social Work and Regional Vice president of the International Association of School of Social Work
– Teresa Bertotti –University of Milano – Bicocca – Italy ‐ Member of the Executive Committee of European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW) and President of the Scientific Committee of the 2017 European Conference on Social Work Education
– John Ward, ‐ IRTS IDF Montrouge Neuilly‐sur‐Marne – France – UNAFORIS (Union National Acteurs de formation et de Recherche en Intervention Social)‐ Member of the Steering and Scientific Committee of the 2017 European Conference on Social Work Education
SWE is a peer‐reviewed academic journal, and is abstracted and indexed in ASSIA, British Education Index, Criminal Justice abstracts, Education Research Index, ProQuest Education Journals, ProQuest