Welcome to the Special Interest Group Page of eassw


About the SIGs

Special Interest Groups (SIGs), led by SIG conveners, enable EASSW members to network and collaborate on specific issues.

By being a member of a SIG you can expand your partnership´s with a network with common aims.

The Special Interest Groups meet at least once every two years at the Biannual Conference of EASSW and regularly share information and discussion on line.

SIGs also can organize regional conferences partially funded by EASSW.

Aims of SIGs

  • To supports the building of networks and collaboration between relevant actors of Social Work Education in Europe.
  • To provide a meeting point for networking, exchange of ideas, information and collaboration in an area related to Social Work Education with the aim of contributing to the enhancement of Social Work Education as a whole.

It is expected that SIGs will promote EASSW’s work within and outside of the Association and it will develop networks with partners interested in EASSW work.

Objectives of SIGs

SIGs are encouraged to:

  • Communicate their ideas/activities/work by highlighting this on the EASSW website
  • Encourage participation and promote the benefits of their SIG within and outside each specific SIG
  • Arrange activities/meetings within the EASSW conference related to their research interest area
  • Contribute to the EASSW conference through the organization of symposia, papers
  • Organize a regional event as a result of the SIGs activities