European Association of Schools of Social Work

EASSW brings together over 300 different schools, universities and tertiary education institutions supporting social work education. EASSW:

  • promotes the development of social work education throughout Europe
  • develops standards to enhance quality of social work education
  • encourages international exchange
  • provides forums for sharing social work research and scholarship.

In all aspects of its work, EASSW adheres to the United Nations’ Declarations and Conventions on Human Rights, recognizing that respect for the inalienable rights of the individual is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace. EASSW represents social work education at the European level at the European Commission, the Council of Europe and with other international organizations

The General Assembly, comprising all members, which takes place biennially, governs EASSW. The EASSW’ elected Executive Committee, and its Officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, are responsible for translating the policy of the General Assembly into practice. They are also responsible for the operation and administration of EASSW.

EASSW carries out its purposes through:

  • A biennial conference of social work educators
  • Representation at the European Union and Council of Europe
  • Links with the European Journal of Social Work
  • Funding of small cross-national projects in social work education
  • Publication of a newsletter
  • A website with a digital community for members


Membership of EASSW is open to those engaged in social work education in member countries of the Council of Europe. Membership is open to:

  • Individual Schools of Social Work
  • Individuals engaged in Social Work Education in those countries where there is no formal membership of schools or national organisation.


Member’s benefits include:

  • Reduced registration fees at the biennial European conference
  • EASSW-newsletter
  • Funding for innovative projects
  • Grants for service users to attend the bi-annual conference


EASSW will regularly publish and update:

  • EASSW website
  • EASSW Newsletter
  • Links to proceedings of the biennial congresses.

Comments and proposals with regard to the contents of this site must be mailed to: webmaster@eassw.org