Hakan Acar

EC member

Liverpool Hope University
Dept. of Social Work, Care & Justice
Taggart Ave, Liverpool L16 9JD
United Kingdom

T 0090 542 221 98 08
E bulahakan@gmail.com /
W www.hope.ac.uk/socialworkcareandjustice/


Social Work


Turkish and English

Teaching Subjects

Ethics in social work, child protection policies, human behaviour and social environment, street children/child labor, social work management.

Current Activities

Teaching Fellow-Dept. of Social Work, Care & Justice of Liverpool University, Professor of Social Work in Turkey, Executive Member of EASSW (European Association of Schools of Social Work). Founder president & Current Executive Member of Turkish Association of Schools of Social Work.

Fields of (Scientific) Interest

Child protection policies/systems, social work ethics, social work education, social work in a historical perspective

Current research interests

Turkish child protection system, human trafficking, val?es and ethics in social work, social work education.