Instutute of Educology and Social Work, Faculty of Art, University of Presov, Slovakia
Ul. 17. novembra 15, Prešov
The University of Presov ranks among the most reputable and distinguished universities in the Slovak Republic. The University was officially established by the Act no. 361/1996 Coll. on 1 January 1997 as Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice division. This historical event completed the effort of Prešov to create its own university having lasted for several years. In the period of two decades, the University of Presov has developed and grown gradually and the institution defended its status of a university in 2010. It is a member of Danube Rectors Conference (DRC), the European Universities Association (EUA) and the National Rectors Conferences with the main aim to promote a unified system of higher education in Europe. The University of Presov is also a co-founder of the Alliance of the Central-Eastern European Universities and Euro-mediterranean University (EMUNI). In November 2011, University of Presov was awarded the National Prize of Slovak Republic for the quality in category C3 (other public sector organizations) as the only university in Slovakia.