The president of EASSW, Teresa Bertotti, was invited to bring her greetings to the international conference of the University of Bolzano
The president of the European Association of Schools of Social Work, Teresa Bertotti, was invited to bring her greetings to the international conference of the University of Bolzano, which will be held between November 21st and 22nd 2019.
The twentieth anniversary of the degree programme in Social Work at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano is an occasion for a reflexive assessment of the status quo, to discuss recent research findings, to develop new perspectives for social work as profession and academic discipline, and to celebrate together.
An essential characteristic and central challenge of social work is its specific embeddedness in and necessary involvement with social contexts and social questions as well as their interpretation and handling in socio-spatial and life-world contexts. Social work has a socially important function of mediation, which is challenged again and again both on the action-oriented level of professional practice as well as on the level of the discipline. Through this, social work looks back on a long history of important upheavals and changes. This understanding of social work emphasises its dynamic development and the change to which social work is ideally not only subject, but which it also helps to shape. In this sense, social work is not limited to the reactive handling of social problems. Based on scientifically founded reflexive professionalism and normative positioning, it understands itself as a proactive actor in the shaping of “the social”.
For more informations: https://20jahresozialearbeit.events.unibz.it/invited-speakers/