Captura de ecrã 2020-02-15, às 00.53.26
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President of EASSW Teresa Bertotti will participate on the event sponsored by EASSW, “Empowering care leavers in Europe”, at the European Parliament in Brussels

February 15, 2020

The Event “LeaveCare-LiveLife” which will be held at the European Parliament in Brussels is sponsored by the European Association of Schools of Social Work.

The President of EASSW Teresa Bertotti will participate on the event “Empowering care leavers in Europe” in Brussels, as the final event of the project “LeaveCare-LiveLife”.

It will be held on 20 th February in Brussels, at the European Parliament (ASP 3 H1), from 10 to 13.

During the conference Agevolando association and the project partners (Fice, Care Leavers’ Network Ireland, Care Leavers’ Association and Tiberius) will introduce the project and the “Recommendations” set up by the representatives of the European Care Leavers Network: a group of care leavers from Italy, Ireland, Uk, Croatia and Romania.
The institutions will answer to the Recommendations and dialogue with the care leavers: Zuzana Konradova, Thematic Coordinator Children in Alternative Care – Eurochild; Teresa Bertotti, European Association Schools of Social Work; Emanuela Rossini, Italian MP, european policies Commission; Margherita Leone, European Advocacy and Programme Manager Sos Children’s Village International; Fice International representative.

We will be guests of the honorable Elisabetta Gualmini, MEP of the S&D group.

In JAN 3Q Area there will be an exposition: “The identity of a cactus museum. Making connections through shared care experiences”. Photos, videos and short texts to narrate the experience of the European care leavers.

There are only a few places still available, if interested you can write to: (Silvia) or fill the form: :

“LeaveCare-LiveLife” – Building the European Care Leavers Network for youngsters leaving foster and residential care and actively living and participating in life, is a European project proposed by Agevolando within the Erasmus + KA205 Strategic Partnerships for Youth, call 2017. LeaveCare-LiveLife, which targets young people leaving care (in residential and foster care), intends to create a space for their participation and active citizenship (the European Care Leavers Network), so that they become leading actors of exchange and reflection activities and propose suggestions and ideas to improve the policies for the out-of-family care system and the actions needed to support the youth during the delicate period of “exit” from the system itself.
The main aim is to give young care leavers tools and skills to better face the future independent life.
The project was launched on 1 December 2017, covers a two-year period and involves, in addition to the Italian leader, partners from Romania, United Kingdom, Ireland, Croatia.

For more information:

Download of the flyer: Empowering care leavers in Europe_v05_13022020_AJ